Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Visit our book fair...

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Football V. Allenton
Silverhill played
It was a very enjoyable match we won both matches we really enjoyed it. The man of the match is to be announced next week. The score was 6-1 in the first match and in the second match we won 1-0.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Shoe Aid
The Shoe Aid Project is a shoe donation project which aims to motivate those who are fortunate enough to have pairs of shoes which they no longer need into donating them to people in Africa. Please take this opportunity to donate shoes in order to make other people enjoy sports, walks, work, studies and dancing; give those less fortunate people the chance to enjoy and take for granted all the things we enjoy and take for granted each and every day.
All yours donations are highly welcome and will be greatly appreciated! Please place paired shoes into the donation box in the school hall. Thank you
School Council

Team Captains
Horrible Histories...

On Thursday 24th September Year 5/6 went to
Woeful Second World War was about Alf and Sally who get evacuated to darkest Wales, away from the damp shelters and nightly bombings of their home city – only to encounter rotten rations, scary schools and even scarier new parents. In the second half of the show, children wore 3D specs to see the amazing Bogglevision effects, preparing for the final onslaught as the German bombers make their deadly journey towards Coventry!
It was a fantastic trip thoroughly enjoyed by all!
Web club - Aaron & Corel
Football V. Allenton
Well done to our football team who won both matches against Allenton this week.
The first match we won 6-0 and the man of the match was J.D. The second match we won 7-0 and the man of the match was Raza. Both boys scored hattricks during the game.
Next weeks match is against St Josephs who beat us in the final last year.
By Aaron & Corel
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Welcome back!

Friday, 24 July 2009
Goodbye Year 6....

Prize giving!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Tesco Vouchers

of 30,000 and have been able to order – 5 digital cameras, battery chargers and additional rechargeable batteries, wireless access points, 5 microphones and additional decorative trims.
Please send any vouchers you still have as we are able to ‘bank’ these for next time.
Sports Days

Green Day

On Thursday 25th June children and staff took part in Green Day. The day was devoted to activities to learn more about the effect of climate change and what we can do to reduce the effects of global warming. The children engaged in a number of activities including; learning about polar bears and penguins, making tree mobiles and wind energy, the damage to the environment from plastic bags, making electricity fromcitrus fruits and many other exciting workshops. The day culminated in the children making their environmental promises which are displayed on our Environmental Promise Tree. Everyone learned a great deal about climate change and we hope our actions, however small, will have a positive effect on global warming.
Singing Celebration
6P: Animal Fair and boom chicka boom
6W: I can take my tea without sugar and Cherry Pie
5M: Peas Pudding
4H: Jump Jim Joe and talked about beats.
2RM: Good Day to You, My Aunt Came Back and Can You Tap this rhythm for Me
1/2T: Peas Pudding, Hot Cross buns and Ooo a Lay Lay
We would like to thank Mrs Jones for all her hard work in the last two years. We will miss you.
BY Hannah and Lucy, Web Club.
Mrs Lowe's Parachute Jump!

On Sunday the 21st of June Mrs Lowe did a tandem parachute jump. She did it at about ten past 12 in the morning. She jumped from 13,000 feet (2 and 3 quarter miles up!) She did free falling for about 50 seconds at 120 miles an hour! Then on parachute she fell for about five or six minutes. She landed safely. Mrs Lowe said “It was absolutely amazing! And I wanted to go back up and do it again” She would like to thank everybody that sponsored her she has raised approximately £550 for Break Through Breast Cancer.
BY Hannah and Lucy, Web Club.
Summer Fayre
Year 2 trip to Sudbury
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Teaching awards....
The trim trail is finished......
As you may have seen if you have been onto the playground, the trim trail is now finished and is infull use for the pupils of Silverhill, who have been enjoying it very much. On Friday 5th all classes went out for their first go and it is now timetabled for use every playtime and lunchtime so that everyone gets their turn. A reminder please that no pupils or pre-school children are allowed on the trim trail before or after school. Thank you.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Trim trail construction begins....
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Pond dipping...

Year 3 trip to Castleton
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Introducing Ted Arthur Roberts...
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Foundation Stage trip to Chatsworth
Dance Festival
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
ECO worm hunting
They have also planned, designed and this week will be making a habitat hotel. They have also done lots of other exciting things in the past including helping with our school allotments and tidying up the school grounds.
Lucy – Web Club
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Sustainability Awards
We are pleased to announce that Silverhill Primary has reached the finals of the National College for School Leadership Sustainability Awards. Yesterday the judges were shown around by year 6 pupils Rob, Chris, Matt, Molly and Ellen and were shown all the eco friendly things we do. We are one of three schools out of all the schools in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Northhamptonshire and Lincolnshire in the final. The results will be announced at the awards ceremony in June. Rob, Web Club.