Despite the forcast of heavy rain, both Key Stage 1 and 2 held fantastic sports days once again. The children had a great time and, as ever, took part with enthusiam and good spirit. Thank you to all the parents who turned up to support and encourage the children.Thanks also to Mrs Lowe, Mrs Young and Miss Gallagher for training the children and Tom Gerrard for his help on the day. This year saw France and Swizerland joint winners of Key Stage 2, with Switzerland also taking 1st place for Key Stage 1! Special mention to our 'Performance of the Day' pupils....Alana (blue class), Daniel (red class), Max (1R), Layton (1T), Emmanuel (2RM), Isobel (2F), ?(3/4F), Samuel (3/4C),Kacey (3/4L), Lauren (5/6W), Ismail (5/6O) and Jamie (5/6P).