Thursday, 27 October 2011

World War 2 at Shugborough...

As a part of their World War 2 learning, Years 5 and 6 visited Shugborough Hall. While there, the children were given the opportunity to be 'evacuee children' and were sent to the farm where an air raid siren sent them running to hide out in the bunker. Children found out exactly how little was available through rationing and learnt how children passed their time with song and dance during hard times. They looked at a wide range of WW2 memorabilia as well as visiting an Anderson Shelter, making their gas masks and identity cards. Apart from closed roads delaying the return journey a great day was had by all!

Masks on and get down!
The siren sounds - let's sing a song to pass the time....

Not much for one week!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Football News

Well done to the school football team who have had a good start to the season. A 2-0 and 0-2 scoreline against St Josephs at the start of term saw Samuel as man of the match. Playing against Meadows a simaliar scoreline of 1-0 and 0-1.

In the cup a great start, again playing St Josephs with a 0-0 draw at the end of full time, Silverhill boys won 3-2 on penalties and are through to the second round. Well done boys!


Thank to everyone who supported our Harvest Assembly this year. Key Stage 1 contributions of tinned good and toiletries were warmly welcomed by the Padley Centre who help the homeless. With golbal issues in mind, Key Stage 2 supported UNICEF with a financial contribution that will go towards the East AFrica appeal.


The sun was warm and bright for our Environment Enrichment afternoons this week. The school grounds were busier than ever before as all our pupils got involved with a range of activities from tub planting to tree mobiles, mini beast and scavenger hunts to cooking from the forest garden and pond dipping to stick art sculptures.

Thank you to all the parents and helpers who supported the children in having a fantasic couple of afternoons.

School Council

A new school year always sees our pupils voting for a new School Council. This year Amanveer takes on the role of Chair, supported by Jo and Abbie as ice CHairs. Ben takes on the role of Treasurer and Osama is the new Secretary.

Well done, we are confident you will all do an excellent job!

Intorducing your House Captains....



