Thursday, 28 April 2016
That Poetry Bloke

Gymnastics success

We were exceptionally proud of our Year 2 gymnasts this week when they took part in the Derby City SSP inter schools gym competition at Mickleover Gymnastics Club, where they walked away with first place. Special congratulations also go to Antonio for her individual silver. Well done girls Mrs Brundish and the rest of the school are very proud of you!
Year 6 hoodies
You can alway tell when we are in the summer term as our Year 6 pupils get very excited about the arrival of their 'Leavers' Hoodies'. This year we have seen another great mix of colours! Don't they look great?
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Happy 90th Birthday HRH Queen Elizabeth II

The hall was a sea of red, white and blue today, as staff and pupils celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday. Visit our twitter feed to hear us sing her happy birthday!
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Space Buggies in Year 2

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that were able to come to our open afternoon to support the Kestrels and Peregrines with their exciting task of finishing their space buggies. There was plenty of glue, tape and foil involved, but the afternoon was packed with fun and smiles.
Beat feet!
On Tuesday 19th April, Jude from Beatfeet came in Silverhill to do a drumming workshop with Year 3 and Foundation stage. The children were playing on African drums called Djembe and exploring rhythms, dynamics, tempo and song. It was a wonderful experience and the children all really enjoyed their day.
The Big Pedal
This year we are registered to take part in The Big Pedal so for the next two weeks we are asking all our pupils to take to two wheels (much better than 4!) to get themselves to and from school. Whether it's bike or a scooter, it will help you get fit and active, help to save the environment and all journeys on a bike or scooter by a child, sibling or parent count towards our Big Pedal total so, come on everyone - on your bike!
More good news...
Congratulations to Miss Martin and her partner on the birth of our second Silverhill baby 2016! Miss Martin welcomed the very early arrival of Maia weighing in at a precious little 4lb 12oz. Well done Miss Martin; she's utterly adorable - we can't wait to meet her!
Monday, 11 April 2016
Baby news!
Our first Silverhill baby of 2016!
Many, many congratulations to Miss Gallagher, her partner Wayne and daughter Flo on the birth of their baby son
Eddie, a 7lb 11oz bundle of blue! A perfect little addition to the family!
Farewell Mrs Cannon
The end of term saw Mrs Cannon leave Silverhill after nearly 12 years. She has undertaken many roles and has truly
been an inspiration to many children and a great support to so many families. She will be very much
missed by all the staff and we all wish her every happiness and success as the new Head teacher of
Ravensdale Junior School. Good Luck Mrs Cannon!
Easter EGGstravaganza!
It's always an amazing sight to see the incredible ideas that pupils create for our annual egg competition and this year the standard was as high as ever! Well done to all the children for their wonderful efforts. Congratulations to all our runners up and winners; FS2 Harry's dinosaur and Lucy's Queen Eggsa, Year 1 Connor's Gruffalo and Seth's Dragon and nest, Year 2 Seren's Mummy and Lillia's Queen's birthday.
Year 3 Ellen's garden and Isabel's Angry Birds and Year 4 Charlie's Neil Eggstrong and Oliver's Henry VIII.
Year 5 Emma's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Maddy's Mrs Cannon and Year 6 Elianne's Tim Peake and India's World Gym.
Well done everyone - enjoy your chocolate eggs!
Founation Stage at the Farm
Robins and Wrens spent the last day of term visiting Ash End House Farm as part of our topic 'Does Everything Grow?' We were very excited about travelling on a big coach, and we all made sure we had our packed lunches! At the farm, we met Farmer Emma and Farmer Julie who showed us around and told us lots and lots about all the different animals. We fed the goats and the sheep, and we met their babies who we found out are called kids and lambs. We met a very tiny (and very soft!) chick, and then some of us were brave enough to let an older chick sit on our arms (after a bit of flapping!). We collected our very own eggs from the chickens to take home to eat and after lunch in the barn and a run around in the playground we made our way back to school. What a fantastic day!
Year 2 visited the Space Centre
Year 2 had a splendid time, exploring and investigating, at the Space Centre on Wednesday 23 March 2016. Everyone had fun learning new things and found the interactive activities extremely exciting!
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