Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Safer Internet Day 2017

Image result for safer internet day 2017

Safer Internet Day is here once more, and in Silverhill Style we recognised the day with a ‘Smiley’ upon our face. The campaign this year was focussed all around the motto “Be the change: unite for a better internet”. As part of the week, every class carried out a competition, designing an emoji based around the theme ‘safety online’. The children also had an assembly, learning all about taking a ‘safe selfie’, which of course we all did at the end of the assembly! The only difference – our smiles were on the backs of our heads.

Hamlet in Year 6

Year 5 and 6 were in for at treat this week when ‘The Young Shakespeare Theatre Company’ came in to pay us all a visit with a truly spectacular performance of Hamlet. From laughing along at Hamlet’s ‘crazy’ antics, gasping at the horror of the treachery and pulling out our tissues at the very tragic ending, the performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all – staff included! A huge thankyou to the YSC for the fabulous show, and giving us a little insight into the world of Shakespeare.​

On Friday 3rd February Years 5 and 6 went ballistic with laughter when the Young Shakespeare came in to perform Hamlet; it was great fun to watch. The play was incredibly funny and also was intriguing to find out what happened to King Claudius. The ending was one of the saddest parts as the main characters all ended up getting poisoned, all because of king Claudius’ greed and vileness. What a fantastic experience! Thank you tot he Young Shakespeare company - we had a great time! Visit our Twitter page to watch some videos from the performance. 

By Archie

Monday, 6 February 2017

National Number Day

Image result for nspcc national number day

On Friday 3rd February the whole school went number crazy! Exchanging our usual school uniform for clothes with numbers on, every class across the school had lots of fun with maths and numbers! From considering the size and weights of the planets, to the distances traveled by the teachers cars. From the average ages of classes in school to using our clothes to create number sentences there was real life maths taking place everywhere! The day ended with a pupils v. teacher maths quiz... It was a close competition... and the winners... the pupils of course! 

Gym Competition

Well done to all the children who performed so magnificently in the Derby City SSP gymnastic competition on February 1st. Receiving the team gold award as well as individual gold for Tessa and individual bronze for Maisy the girls did a wonderful job!

Year 4 Kurling!

On Tuesday the 31st of January, 18 of the children from Kingfishers spent the afternoon at the Royal school for the Deaf, taking part in a New-Age Kurling competition.

Kurling is a form of the original curling game, but adapted so that it can be played indoors on any smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall, rather than on ice.

We split into three groups and competed against schools from the local area in a round robin. Each group showed a respectfully competitive attitude whilst playing the sport and were gracious in both loss and victory!

We had lots of fun throughout the competition and, although we didn’t place, our skills and accuracy had improved and we enjoyed the challenge of playing a new sport.