This afternoon, Year 2 and FS2 spent some time together sharing our learning about Space. Both year groups have found out lots of facts and information and we told each other what we have learnt. A lovely sharing experience!
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Book Fair
We have had another hugely successful Book Fair over the last week, raising a HUGE £1288. This will provide the school with £772 pounds to spend on new books for the free choice sections and libraries. A massive thank you to everyone that made a purchase - it really makes the difference to our school. A special well done also to Ayla, Maisie and Emeila for winning our 'Write a Review' Book Fair competition, winning themselves vouchers to spend at the Fair!
Scout Award
Congratulations to Elliot who received his silver chief scout award presented to him by the Derby district commissioner.
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Alternative ball sports festival

A huge well done to the Year 4 children who went along to Willows on Tuesday 28th March to take part in the Alternative Ball sports festival. They had a try at dodgeball, American football and Water polo (without the water thankfully!). Mrs Brundish deliberately chose children who had not had chance to take part in any sporting activities this year to give them a chance to try something new. She was thrilled with the effort and Silverhill SPIRIT that all the children demonstrated and is hoping some of them might be keen to join of the sports clubs available to them at school.
Year 2 visit space!
Year 2 had a super day at the National Space Centre learning about the past, present and future. There were plenty of fun interactive activities and amazing facts to inspire our writing.
Mrs Dyke
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Book fair
Come along every night this week after school, open until 6pm on Thursday 23rd and Monday 27th during parent consultation evenings, to spend your World Book Day vouchers and buy a wonderful new book. All money spent allows the school to receive new books for the school libraries and classrooms.
Rammie visit!

We love visitors into school - especially when they cause chaos in assembly - and on Tuesday 21st March Rammie did just that! He told us all about how he stays active and reminded the children how important it is for them to do the same! Check the children's book bags parent's as a special teat, Rammie gave us some special offer tickets to the next DCFC football match.
Tag Rugby Megafest!

On Thursday 16th March, ten Year 6 children attended the Tag Rugby festival which took place at Derby Rugby Club, where we showed fabulous spirit in lots of different sports. As sport reps of the school we were even more excited to take part in the competition, where 12 schools in Derby were able to get together to play, have fun and show how well we worked as a team.
Throughout the day, we played sports we had practiced during our training sessions, including Tag Rugby, as well as many others. The Year 6 also learnt new sports such as Netball with a Rugby ball and a running style version of Noughts and Crosses.
We started the afternoon with stuck in the mud as a warm up, followed by two full games of Tag Rugby, taking on the roles as Defense and Attack, playing to the best of our abilities. The rest of the afternoon we spent learning new sports and demonstrating respect to both our team mates and the other teams.Tiring and hard work, it was great fun, and even though we didn't come first, the teamwork, respect and communication showed by all, demonstrated true SILVERHILL SPIRIT!
By Lucy and Isaac
Waste Week
Well done everyone for taking part in Waste Week. We were so impressed by all your imaginative recycled crafts. Well done to the children who have had their items displayed as part of our 'Waste Week display'.
Year 3/4 girls football success

Proud of these girls? Just a bit!
On Tuesday 14th March our 3/4 girls football team traveled to the Soccerdome to take part in the DCLFC Football Festival. Winning the first two games 5-0 against Chellaston, 5-0 against Walter Evans, a 1-1 draw against Parkside and a 3-1 win over Kilmarsh the girls made it though to the quarter finals, winning 1-0 against St John Fisher. The final was such a close game and the girls couldn't be split from their apponents Parkside, even after extra time. The girls battled on and WON on penalties! Fantastic Silverhill spirit girls - we are so proud of you! Click here to read the full article
Alex's Parkrun
We love to hear and shout about everything our pupils do both in and out of school and Alex is no exception! Well done Alex who completed his first marathon at ParkRun in Markeaton Park on Sunday 12th March. He was awarded a full marathon wristband as he has been running 2km on Sundays for 22 times, his personal best is 10:11. What a superstar!
Dance Festival 2017

On Thursday 9th March our Year 6 dance team headed of to the Riverside Center to perform in this year's dance festival. With a 'Disney' theme the children performed a polished and well-known routine to 'All for One' and to quote Miss Downs they 'absolutely rocked the house down!' Click here to watch them perform. Well done children!
Continued Cyclocross success!

A fantastic team effort for Evie, Charlotte, Abbey, Toby, Seb and Isaac in Derby City SSP cyclocross event at Darley Park on 7th March. Mrs Brundish was delighted with gold, our second or the year and was very proud of you all.
Congratulations and many, many thanks to all the children who took part in our Readathon event. through our Readathon we hoped to encourage children to read for pleasure and that by doing so they would get sponsored to raise money to regularly give brand new books and storyteller visits to children’s hospitals across the UK. Through your support we raised a total of £1117.19 in cash and a further £264 online, for which our school will get free books worth 20% of our sponsorship total! Children who took part in the event will soon be asked to help us choose our new books!
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
World Book Day
On Thursday 2nd March we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favorite book character. From 'Room on the Broom' to 'Gangsta Granny' it was wonderful to see the children share their love of reading through some truly spectacular costumes. Thank you so much to all the parents and careers who helped the children with their costumes; choosing 'winners' was very difficult. All children received their book token which they can spend in any book shop of at our school book fair in a couple of weeks.
Tiptoe Girls
Year 4 indoor athletics

Well done to the Year 4 children who took part in Sportshall athletics
on Wednesday 1st March. We had a go at a variety of different activities including long jump, vertical leap, target throw, speed bounce and chest press. Mrs Brundish was incredibly proud of all the children who took part, but a special mention has to go to Harrison who took the Gold in Target Throw. Well done everyone.
on Wednesday 1st March. We had a go at a variety of different activities including long jump, vertical leap, target throw, speed bounce and chest press. Mrs Brundish was incredibly proud of all the children who took part, but a special mention has to go to Harrison who took the Gold in Target Throw. Well done everyone.
Year 5 Cheerleading

Well done to our super cheerleading team who performed magnificantly on 1st March. The team of 10 Year 5 pupils had very little time to create and rehearse but did a wonderful job. Mrs Davies and Mr Turner were very proud of you all! Visit our Twitter feed here to watch the full performance.
Shrove Tuesday!

It wouldn't be pancake day if we didn't toss a few pancakes in school! Thank you to Mrs Richardson who managed to help prepare enough pancake mix to feed an army and to all the other staff who assisted the children throughout the day. There were some very sticky fingers and some very happy faces in school!
Meet our Junior Leadership Team!

Congratulations to the Junior Leadership Team who were appointed to their new posts today! Our pupil experts will be helping teachers to lead their specialist subjects across the curriculum, assisting with learning walks, pupil interviews and work scrutinies. Welcome aboard children!
Fund Raising Alex
Many congratulations to Alex (Year 3 Chaffinch) who volunteered to perform 2 pieces of music with violin at a fund raising event in Mickleover Methodist Church last Sunday. We all think he was very brave and kept his cool throughout the performance at the event 'Guilding Lights Music Festival 2017'. The event was in memory of Alex's nursery teacher who used to play lots of music at church but sadly passed away last year and raised money for Children with Cancer UK.
What a fantastic thing to do Alex, well done - we're all very proud of you!
Physical activity dojos

It's time to really get active!
With the alarming reports coming out about 1 in 3 children being
overweight by the age of 11 in the UK we are determined to
encourage our Silverhill pupils to lead healthy lifestyles. With
this in mind we will be starting our ‘Physical Activity Dojo’ during
half term!
Each child will have the opportunity to earn a physical activity
dojo for being physically active when not at school. To earn the
dojo your child will have to complete 30 or more continuous minutes of moderate exercise ( a raised
heart rate and a bit sweaty or red-faced!). This may be in the form of an organised club such as a
dance class, football training or tennis practice, or more informal such as a family walk, bike ride or
playing in the park for half an hour- basically anything that gets your child physically active for 30
minutes or more after school. Dojos can be awarded for everyday of the week, even on a Saturday
or Sunday, but only one for each day!
We are looking for your help as parents to monitor this new initiative and help us ensure that dojos
are only given when they are deserved. Therefore we would ask you to sign and date your child’s
reading record when your child has completed their 30 or more minutes along with a brief
explanation of their activity (dance class, family bike ride, park run etc.). Your child will be
responsible for showing their reading record to the class teacher. Dojos will not be given unless a
parent has signed and dated the reading record. Please can you record if your child has taken part
in an after school physical activity such as Tae Kwon Do or basketball.
As an extra bonus, we will be checking the number of physical activity dojos that each child has
earned over the term and rewarding those with the most physical activity dojos with certificates
and prizes.
A special mention to Millie who has reached her 'half marathon' goal doing the park run with her dad on a Sunday morning!

First Edition of Silverhill Times

Our intrepid press gang team have worked very hard for the last few weeks to bring you their very own school newspaper. Featuring lots of fantastic reporting covering a range of topics, discussions and reports from Silverhill, the children have worked exceptionally hard to produce this first edition and are already working on the next! Look in children's book bags for your copy!
Year 1 visit to All Saints church

On Thursday 9th February the year one children visited All Saints church in Mickleover. We were welcomed by Ian Nicklin, an old governor of Silverhill, who told us all about the church and answered our questions. We searched for different artifacts within the church and ticked them off on our worksheets. This was a lovely end to our Christianity topic.
Active Fundamentals for Year 1

Swallows and Sparrows had an activity packed afternoon at the Fundamentals festivals. We took part in football, tennis, dodgeball and karate, learning new skills and learning to work as a team. Some of us had never tried out these sports before and were all enthusiastic to give them a go. Mrs Freeston and Mrs Brundish were very proud of us!
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