Friday, 3 December 2010

Number Day

At 11am on 3 December 2010 Silverhill Primary joined other schools across the UK to join in the NSPCC Number Day in their attempt to set the Guinness World Record™ for the largest maths lesson in the world and to raise money for vulnerable children across the UK. Thank you to all who supported this event - we raised a total of £117.28p and the 290 pupils who took part will be added to the World Record.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Many thanks to everyone who made an effort to brave the weather and come to school this week. In particular thanks go to the staff, many of whom have had long and difficult journeys to get here. Without them the school would not be open. The text messaging service has been invaluable in keeping everyone informed as to what has been happening. If you haven’t been receiving the messages please check that we have your correct mobile number or that your inbox isn’t full!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Our special guest - Miley Cyrus......

Thanks to Abbie and Alysha winning an Asda competition the whole school had an amazing surprise guest today when Miley Cyrus popped into assembly! Pupils and staff were treated to a sing along after Miley answered some of the children's questions and the whole school sang Happy Birthday to Miley for her 18th birthday in a couple of weeks time! WOW!

Thursday, 7 October 2010


On Friday 1st October Silverhill celebrated Harvest in a magnificent musical assembly with singing contributions from Key Stage 1 up to Year 6. Alongside some superb home grown produce pupils from Key Stage 1 donated dried food for the Padley Centre and our Key Stage 2 pupils raised ** for the Pakistan Floods appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Rammie visits awards assembly

Our awards pupils had a special treat this week when Rammie came to promote the DCFC school outings. On Saturday 30th October Derby County play Watford in a 3pm kick off. This is the 'Silverhill' game where pupils can get discounted tickets, a parade around the pitch before the match, a school photo on the pitch with copies for every pupil attending and one for the school. Tickets are £18 for adults and £8 for children. Further information from the school office.

School Council

The first few weeks in school have been busy with the elections of our new School Council and Team captains.

Emma proudly takes up the role of President supported by her Vice President Jack. Ebony was voted into the role of Secretary and Amy will be the Treasurer. Well done to all of you, we are sure you will do an excellent job!

House Captains

Well done to all the pupils who took part in the Team Captain elections, your speeches were excellent! After the frenzy of children voting for their favourites the results were announced as follows...

Emerald Captains - Josh and Beth
Vice Captains - Loui and Alysha
Ruby Captains - Max and Lucy
Vice Captains - Gurveer and Hasiba
Diamond Captains - Aaman and Megan
Vice Captains - Habeel and Phoebe
Amethyst Captains - Zack and Ciara
Vice Captains - Tom and Olivia

We are confident you will do an excellent job!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Welcome back!

It's a new year at Silverhill Primary and it promises to be another busy, fun filled year. Remember if you have any news or work you would like to share on the web site or blog, come and see Mrs Mitchell in 2RM. Welcome back everyone!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Prize Giving

Well done to all our fantastic award winners this year. A lovely assembly attended by all pupils, staff and parents saw Elianne, Luke, Emily, Connor, Kieran, Kane, Tiny, Kuba, Tobi, Jake, Callum, Phoebe, Gregor and Louie collect awards for their effort and attitude to their school work. For our Year 6 pupils, the Miss Ellis prize for creative writing was presented to Millie, Aya received the Lyn Brookes award for creativity whilst Adam and Sophie shared the Whitlam shield for effort. Year 6 awards were also presented to Jack for art, Katy and Kydn for citizenship, Caitlin for music, Tom for sports boy and Mollie for sports girl. The award for English was shared by Georgia and Todd, The award for maths was shared by Mateusz and Sam. Mrs Brundish presented awards to Jack who received the golden boot and William was presented with the player of the year award. Finally, Mrs Nash presented this years Headteacher Award to Olivia. Many, many congratulations to all our winners. We are very proud of you all!
Click through to the blog to see all our award winners and their trophies.

Prize Giving

Friday, 2 July 2010

Sports Days

For the second year running the sun shone on Silverhill sports days and the temperature was HOT! All the children had a thoroughly enjoyable time and took part whole heartedly. Thank you to all the parents who turned out to support and encourage the children. We hope you enjoyed the days as much as we all did. In KS2 the Brazil Team earned the most points. In KS1 the cucumbers earned first place. Special effort awards in Key Stage 1 were given to Alex, Isabel, Rachel, Ffion and Elailsa.

World Cup week

The week of 21st June was World Cup week in Silverhill. Children kept their fingers crossed for England and completed a wide range of activites to do with the World Cup. What a pity England didn't do so well!

Willow weaving

During the week 14th June all children took part in willow weaving workshops with Carol Beavis resulting in these beautiful sculptures. Many thanks to the PTFA for funding this Carol for running the workshops and to the children for the fantastic weaving!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Rose update!

On 16th May, Rose competed at national level in Stoke on Trent. At the National finals she finished 8th out of 13. This means that she is the 8th best tumbler in the country at her age and level.

Rose also competed at the Derbyshire County championships on all four pieces of apparatus. There were 25 girls in the competition. She finished 3rd on the asymmetric bars, picking up a bronze medal. She finished 6th on the beam, 12th on the vault and 13th on the floor making Rose 6th overall. Her next competition for tumbling will be in December. Good luck Rose!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Talented Michael

Well done Michael who has got his Grade 1 clarinet. Michael had to learn 3 pieces of music to perform to the examiner. He is now working towards his Grade 3. Keep it up Michael!

Friday, 2 April 2010

Easter Egg Competition

Well done to everyone who took part in our decorate an egg competition. There were some 'eggcellent' ideas and we clearly have some 'eggstreemly' talented artists in school! Winners all received a Smarties Easter egg and runners up received a Cadburys cream egg.
Click here to see all the winning eggs.

Egg Competition Year 5/6 Winners

Year 5/6 Winners
5/6W Tara's 'Eggs Factor'
5/6O Megan's 'Eggstra terrestrial'
5/6P Mollie's '2012 Olympics'

Runners Up
5/6W Catlin & Molly
5/6O Kiara & Ebony
5/6P Ellie & Tom

Egg Competition 3/4 Winners

Year 3 /4 Winners
3/4TL Tyler's 'Football'
3/4H Millie's 'Clowns'
3/4C Angelina's 'Penguin'

Runners Up
3/4TL Imogen & Michael
3/4H Matthew & Archie
3/4C Catrin & Chanel

Egg Competition Key Stage 1 Winners

Key Stage 1 Winners
Red Class Dylan's 'Aliengoo'
Blue Class Connor's 'Chick in a basket'
1T Ethan's 'Cress hair chick'
1/2P Finn's 'Flower and bee'
2RM Ellie's 'Feather rabbit'

Runners Up
Red Class Elianne & Luke K
Blue Class Freya & Eloisa
1T Katie & Jack
1/2P Scarlett & Connor
2RM Kieran & Leon

Friday, 26 March 2010

Supporting Earth Hour

It’s the young people in our schools today who will live through the worst – or best – effects of the action we take now on climate change. And today’s students will be tomorrow’s citizens and decision-makers: we need to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to make wise choices about the future of our planet. At Silverhill we actively encourage children and parents to engage with environmental issues. This week the children have been learning about how to save energy, the need to conserve resources and why we need to expand the use of renewable energy. As part of the Global Initiative Earth Hour, we would invite you to participate by turning all the lights off for an hour on Saturday at 20:30.
For more information please go to

Sport Relief 2010

On Friday 19th March Silverhill pupils and staff supported Sport Relief. For a £1 donation children came to school dressed in their sports clothes and some of the teachers dressed in the Silverhill netball kit started the day with a very special Take 10! Thank you to everyone for their kind donations with raised a super £360 for a great charity.

Year 2 visit the Gurdwara

On Wednesday 17th March our Year 2 pupils went to visit the Sikh Gurdwara Derby. To support the RE curriculum children observed first hand many Sikh traditions including prayer, the 5 K's and Langer when the children sampled some wonderful traditional food.