Friday 25 January 2013

Snack Shop

This week the year sixes, with the help from Miss Smith, have opened a new and improved version of ‘Tuck Shop’. Snack shop is a trolley crammed with delectable, healthy snacks for children to have at break-time. The highest priced snack is 20p so there’s no need for the children to bring too much money. The shop has a variety of healthy snacks including fresh fruit, cheesy cubes, malt loaf, banana loaf and a scoop of raisins.

Price list

·       Raisins   -   10p

·       Malt loaf    -   20p

·       Cube of cheese    -  10p each

·       Fresh Fruit   - 20p

·       Banana loaf  -20p


Greta, Kacey and Beth