At Silverhill, we are committed to ensuring all our pupils leave
school knowing how to stay safe, especially online. This year, we are
introducing a new digital safety scheme of work, produced by Parent Zone and
Google called ‘Be Internet Legends’. As a fantastic introduction, we were lucky
enough to have them come in to visit us for an assembly. We were introduced to
their own special land - Interland. It is made up of four separate places
called Reality River, Mindful Mountain, Kind Kingdom and Tower of Treasure.
Each place focuses on a key Digital Safety message. The assembly was great fun
with lots of joining in, games and important messages, not to mention the
incredible set up they came with! We are now all looking forward to finding out
more about each of the different areas of digital safety in the classroom and learning
how to keep ourselves safe when using the internet.
Mrs Hall (Y6)