Monday, 28 January 2019

Mad Head Day

On Friday 18th January there were some wonderful wigs, hats and hairbands and some exceptionally crazy and creative hairstyles in support of our fundraising day for those who suffer hair loss. Thank you so much to everyone who supported us and donated to our Mad Head day. We are truly humbled by your generosity as the total donated was £918.80 towards our two very special causes! 

Norman Castle building in Year 4

During Week two of the Spring term, the Year 4s kicked off their new Theme with a castle building day! With their new learning question being, ‘Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?’ both classes found themselves planning and creating their very own masterpieces! Some chose the very early motte and bailey design, whilst some chose the much later castles, made out of stone!

All children had been asked to gather resources over the holiday and then had time to meticulously plan their designs. From cardboard boxes, to milk bottle lids, with plenty of PVA and paint inbetween, all children were truly creative and used great initiative and Silverhill SPIRIT to finish their models. 

Mrs McBride and Miss Garrington we’re both extremely impressed with all of the children! What a sensational start! 

Break dancing Year 4s

Hip Hop School
As part of the 'Essential Life Skills' project being run by 'This is Derby', Year 4 children are taking part in 6 weeks of Hip Hop and Street dance lessons provided by Baby J - the UKs first Hip Hop school! The aim is to use music and art to provide opportunities for young people. The children are absolutely loving it and have been busting out their moves in the hall as well as being spotted teaching younger children on the playground! #SPIRIT #silverhillgetsstreet

Sunday, 27 January 2019

5 a side football

On Thursday 17th January our Year 5/6 boys football team played in the DCCT Under 11s football tournament at the DW Power League. Some great performances saw us winning four games and narrowly loosing one in the group games to progress tot he quarter finals. Unfortunately, the boys lost an entertaining game 3-2 after extra time! Well done boys, great effort and spirit shown all round.

Coach Turner

Table Tennis with Year 5

On Thursday 10th January a team of 10 of our Year 5 boys and girls took part in an Individual Table Tennis competition at Derby Moor. They all played a number of group games with some fantastic performances being displayed and great Silverhill Spirit being shown. Well done team!

Coach Turner

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Year 2 discover a fascinating bottle

What an incredible start to their new topic the Year 2 children have had this week. Mrs Brundish and Mrs Goodchild spotted a strange bottle bobbing in the River Derwent as they enjoyed an evening meal at Darleys on Wednesday. The children spent Thursday morning thinking of what could possibly be inside. After break we opened the bottle and found a letter from a little  boy who was in the Titanic on that fateful evening in 1912 along with his ticket. We set off down to the train track to measure how long the TItanic was- an incredible 269m - this gave the children a real feel of just how big this incredible ship was! The afternoon was spent making some incredible displays. The children also had a discussion about what they already knew about the Titanic and wrote down what else they wanted to find out. We can’t wait to find out more about the little boy John whose letter has been floating in oceans and rivers for over 100 years! 
Mrs Brundish

Year 1 meet Christopher Columbus


On Thursday 10th January, Christopher Columbus visited Year 1 to give us a Sensational Start to our Explorers Theme. He told us all about what it was like  being an explorer over 500 years ago, when a lot of people believed the Earth was flat! 
Mrs Turner

Year 6 Explore Earth

Year 6 have certainly had a sensational start tot he new term with lots of 'sticky' learning taking place. On Tuesday 8th January we immersed ourselves into our new text 'Brightstorm' by Vashti Hardy. Our activities included folding our own sky-ships from origami, making our own compasses out of corks,needles and magnets, using co-ordinates to find our way around the 'The Great Wide' and creating some lovely pieces of sky-ship art.

On Wednesday 9th we have been on a whistle stop tour of Earth's natural phenomenons; earthquakes, tsunamis,volcanoes and hurricanes! 
The children created their own models of tsunamis and volcanoes, built and tested earthquake proof building and recorded live news reports during hurricane winds! A fantastic couple of days in school which have got the children ready for the some great learning this term.

Year 3 Rotten Romans

Year 3 had a sensational start to their new theme on Wednesday 9th January.  The children had a visit from a Roman soldier and were put through their paces as trainee gladiators!  It was great fun dressing up as citizens of Rome and finding out about what life was like in Roman times – putting on a toga certainly isn’t as easy as it looks and not many of us would recommend being a slave! We can’t wait to find out more about the ‘Rotten Romans’ this term!

Year 5 USA Road Trip

          In Year 5 this term, our topic is America – A USA Road Trip.  To get our road trip off to a roaring start on January 8th, we all dressed up in the colours of the American flag.  During the morning, the children became well acquainted with key facts about the USA, sang the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ as children across America do each day and, most importantly, enjoyed an all-American breakfast.  In the afternoon, they all joined in American football and created their own artistic version of the American flag.
          What a sensational start to a sensational topic!

Friday, 11 January 2019

Book fair Sucess

Wow! Another fantastic book fair held at Silverhill. Thanks to all the money raised, we have an incredible £1094.84 pence for the school to spend on books.  The money will be spent on new books for the KS2 libraries to increase the selection of books the children can choose from. A huge thankyou to everyone who made purchases over the week. 

Monday, 7 January 2019

The Greatest Cinderella Rockerfella

We are pleased to announce that the full edit of our Leavers 2018 production of The Greatest Cinderella Rockerfella is now available here on our You Tube channel.

Young Journalist Academy

A new term brings some exciting updates for our  Year 5 Barn Owls, who now have their second article live on the Young Journalist Academy website - check out Super Sea Life Savers by clicking here. Well done girls - journalists in the making! Also one of the articles published has been seen by the founder of an expedition to investigate plastic pollution in our oceans, who has suggested an interview!!  All very exciting!

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome back to another busy term at Silverhill. Be sure to pop back often to read all the latest news from school. Remember you can also follow us on Twitter by clicking here - you do not need a Twitter account to be able to view lots of photographs and videos of all the fun things we do in school.