Sunday, 22 January 2017

Parent Governor vacancy

Our Governing Board is made up of 12 people and currently has a vacancy for a Parent Governor. No special qualifications are needed and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the work of the Governing Board. See below for more information or contact Sharon Gratton, Clerk to Governors in the school office for a nomination form which must be returned no later than 4 pm on Friday 3 February 2017.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Cathedral Choir...

Have you ever wanted to join a Cathedral Choir? Then this is your chance!

Two events at Derby Cathedral this month offer just the opportunity. 

Roman Soldier visits Year 3

On Tuesday 10th January, Year 3 had a Roman Day and met a Roman Soldier. We learnt to march correctly shouting 'Sin, Dex, Sin, Dex' around the playground, got to hold real Roman weapons and learnt lots of interesting facts to help up with our new Roman Topic.
Miss Garrington

Monday, 9 January 2017

Strange weeds appear in Year 4!

The Nightingales have had an exciting morning investigating some strange weeds that appeared on the tables over the weekend. There are several theories as to how they got here including some cheeky frogs! 

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year

Image result for happy new year 2017

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to school. We have another busy term ahead so pop back to the blog soon to see what we've been up to in school. Don't forget you can follow us on Twitter too!