Thursday 21 March 2013

Planet Calculus

On Friday the 15th March two members from the Quantum theatre came into school to perform ‘Return To Planet Calculus!’  The show, based on the mathematics curriculum for Primary Schools, explored a variety of methods of mental calculation through handling and manipulating data, looking at probability scales and the mean, the mode and the median.
In Key Stage 1 the show explored the number system, number operations and the relationships between them, mental methods for simple calculation, and processing, representing and interpreting simple data.
Key Stage 2 covered the same topics but in more detail and used various methods for more complex calculations and drew conclusions from statistics and graphs.

 The children agreed that the performance was:
very informative

We asked some children to tell us how much they liked it, Grace P, (year 6), thought “the show was very educational and I enjoyed it very much”.
Niamh L (year 5) felt “they were amazing actresses and I loved the performance!”
Thank you to all parents who paid for the children to watch.
By Kacey and Beth