Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Physical activity dojos

It's time to really get active!

With the alarming reports coming out about 1 in 3 children being overweight by the age of 11 in the UK we are determined to encourage our Silverhill pupils to lead healthy lifestyles. With this in mind we will be starting our ‘Physical Activity Dojo’ during half term! Each child will have the opportunity to earn a physical activity dojo for being physically active when not at school. To earn the dojo your child will have to complete 30 or more continuous minutes of moderate exercise ( a raised heart rate and a bit sweaty or red-faced!). This may be in the form of an organised club such as a dance class, football training or tennis practice, or more informal such as a family walk, bike ride or playing in the park for half an hour- basically anything that gets your child physically active for 30 minutes or more after school. Dojos can be awarded for everyday of the week, even on a Saturday or Sunday, but only one for each day! 

We are looking for your help as parents to monitor this new initiative and help us ensure that dojos are only given when they are deserved. Therefore we would ask you to sign and date your child’s reading record when your child has completed their 30 or more minutes along with a brief explanation of their activity (dance class, family bike ride, park run etc.). Your child will be responsible for showing their reading record to the class teacher. Dojos will not be given unless a parent has signed and dated the reading record. Please can you record if your child has taken part in an after school physical activity such as Tae Kwon Do or basketball. 

As an extra bonus, we will be checking the number of physical activity dojos that each child has earned over the term and rewarding those with the most physical activity dojos with certificates and prizes.

A special mention to Millie who has reached her 'half marathon' goal doing the park run with her dad on a Sunday morning!